
Closeup image of smiling face wearing clear aligners to ask how does invisalign differ from other orthodontic treatments.

How Does Invisalign Differ From Other Orthodontic Treatments?

Invisalign has been a huge topic of discussion for the last decade or so, marking it as one of the cornerstones of modern orthodontic treatment. There are plenty of perks to discuss, as well as some unique features that make people wonder what makes it different from more traditional options.  Today, our TruGLO experts are … Read more

invisalign fix an overbite pre-treatment concept

Will Invisalign Fix an Overbite?

If you are feeling down about your overbite or misaligned teeth, it may be time to get braces. You might be avoiding this truth because the thought of wearing braces is almost as bad as having crooked teeth. If only there were a comfortable and flexible braces solution that fits your everyday lifestyle. But will … Read more