How Long Does Numbness Last After Getting a Dental Filling?

How Long Does Numbness Last After Getting a Dental Filling?

Fillings are a common dental procedure. Millions of people get them to address tooth decay and preserve their oral health. If you have ever had a dental filling, you may remember feeling numbness in the area where you got your filling. However, numbness can also impact your cheek, lips, and tongue. This sensation, in turn, can make talking, drinking, and eating feel very strange. Luckily, it is completely normal and does not last forever. If your dentist has recommended a dental filling, you have likely wondered, “How long does numbness last after getting a dental filling?” We share the answer to this question and more about dental fillings below.


How Long Does Numbness Last After Getting a Dental Filling?

Numbness after dental fillings is normal. Before a filling, your dentist applies a local anesthetic to the area around your tooth to numb the area so you do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The numbing medication works by blocking the nerve signals near your affected tooth and keeping pain signals from being sent to your brain. The absence of pain signals means that you do not feel anything other than a vague sense of numbness. Most people experience it in their mouth, tongue, cheek, and lips.

The numb feeling patients experience during dental procedures can last a few hours, but the specific timeline depends on several factors. For instance, the type and amount of anesthetic used for the operation can impact the span of the numb feeling. Additionally, the location of the injection site is another factor because numbness in the lower jaw often lasts longer than numbness in the upper jaw. If your filling is on one of your bottom teeth, you should prepare for a longer period of numbness.


How Long Is Too Long?

Local anesthetic is highly safe and extremely effective; this is why it is so widely used in the field of dentistry. Numbness after a dental filling that lasts more than a few hours is okay. In fact, it is normal for your body to experience numbness after a dental filling and using a local anesthetic. However, if the numbness lasts more than six hours, it may be time to contact your dentist.

It is very rare for there to be any issues after a dental filling. That being said, if after six hours you experience tingling, loss of feeling, drooping on one side of the mouth, or difficulty swallowing or speaking, contact your dentist promptly. Prolonged numbness can occur in the event of nerve irritation or injury. This is an extremely rare issue, but it is important to reach out to your dentist if it occurs.


Can Anything Be Done to Address Numbness?

After you get your filling, there are a few strategies to get the numbness to wear off more quickly. Consider the following tips for relieving your mouth numbness more quickly.


Move Your Mouth

Moving your jaw after a dental filling can help with numbness. Movement increases blood flow to the area and, in turn, helps metabolize the anesthetic faster. Make chewing motions to stimulate your jaw, but do not eat until you have some feeling back in your mouth. If you cannot wait to eat, be very careful when eating after a dental filling so you do not bite your cheek or tongue. Be sure to follow the instructions your dentist gives you.


Stay Active

Light physical activity can help address numbness. Walking or riding a bike are great ways to stay active after a dental filling. Physical activity increases blood flow, which can make the numbness wear off faster.


Drink Warm Fluids

If your dentist says you can drink after your dental filling, opt for a warm beverage. Warm fluids help dilate the blood vessels around your mouth. The dilation can help flush out the anesthetic faster.


Schedule Your Dental Filling

If you need a dental filling, contact the team at TruGlo Modern Dental today to schedule an appointment!